- Serge Nubret Workout Template For Lifting
- Serge Nubret Workout Template For Lifting Legs
- Serge Nubret Workout Plan
by Bradley Joe Kelly T-Nation
Serge Nubret's Workout. Bestsync 2015 Keygen. Article last updated: December 2017 by Oskar Faarkrog, ISSA Certified Trainer When someone asks you to flex, you don’t flex your legs or your back. You flex your ARMS. Arms make your physique look complete. Without big arms, you don’t look like you lift weights. Serge Nubret’s training routine was based on high volume of training. He was known to train for hours and when asked about this he said he loved bodybuilding. The foundation of his training philosophy was to use light to moderate weight for higher reps. Below is the workout routine he used.
Bodybuilding historians often refer to the 1960’s and 1970’s as bodybuilding’s “Golden Age,” an homage to the then popularity of the sport and the iconic physiques that represented it.
While the bodybuilders winning contests today are certainly bigger leaner, and dryer, few would argue that they actually “look” better, at least from a purely aesthetic point of view.
Modern day bodybuilding has in some ways become a quest for extremes: jaw-dropping mass, razor-hard conditioning, or freak show bodyparts, all in an attempt to stand out from the other two dozen or so behemoths crowding the stage.
But back in the day, bodybuilders each had a certain “look” that eventually became their calling card: Frank Zane’s lean aesthetics, Franco Columbu’s compact mass, and Robbie Robinson’s legendary symmetry. To achieve their specific look, bodybuilders would train differently, eat differently, and even pose differently.
It was an idealistic, painstaking approach that created physiques as unique as the men that forged them, and none was more impressive or had a greater effect on me than the great Serge Nubret.
You might remember Serge Nubret as the imposing black bodybuilder with the incredible pecs in Pumping Iron that comes within a whisker of “taking” the title from then-five time Mr. Olympia, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Five Hour Training Day
Known for his incredible ab development and near-flawless conditioning, Serge never once counted calories, watched his macros, or dieted in any fashion. In interviews, he stated that he always ate simply what he felt he needed and that was it.
Even before competitions, Serge didn’t believe in special dieting. He said he’d just train harder, sometimes up to five hours a day, six days a week. This also allowed him to stay near his competition weight year round, something very rare in today’s bodybuilding world.
Nevertheless, ‘overtrainaphobes’ will wonder how he could train so much? How was it possible?
Was it simply due to pharmaceutical help? Not likely – Serge said he’d never even heard of performance enhancing drugs until he’d already built his winning physique. (He started training in 1958 and lived on a small island.)
Was it genetics? Work ethic? Luck? Black magic?
I argue that the secret to Nubret’s success lies in some of his training philosophies. The good news is, while you can’t steal his DNA, many of these philosophies are applicable to natural trainees today.
Serge’s training was unique, from the split he followed down to the rest periods he used and weight lifted. His goal was always to get as much of a pump in the target muscle as possible using an extended time under tension and low rest.
For example, Serge always did 6 or more sets of 12 reps, using a weight for the first set he could likely lift for 20 reps. He also never went to true failure on any set and focused on keeping the pump throughout the workout. Using such a high volume combined with low rest periods meant he never went very heavy, something many bodybuilders’ egos won’t allow.
Furthermore, in terms of recovery, it meant his training didn’t put nearly as much stress on his central nervous system as doing even just a few sets to failure. This shortened his overall recovery time, allowing him to train more often.
I’ve used Serge’s program in the past and made exceptional gains. I put on five pounds of muscle in just four weeks while dropping my waist half an inch, from 28.5 inches to 28 inches.
Best of all, my joints felt great, I never felt as if I was overtraining, and I always had plenty of energy. Since continuing with his light weight, low-rest philosophy my waist is down to 27.5 inches at near 200 pounds.
However, as stated, the legends in bodybuilding all trained differently and got great results, so what worked for Serge and me may not work for you. You’ll just have to try it out and see.
Fortunately, jumping into training five hours a day as Serge did later in his career isn’t necessary (not to mention borderline crazy).
Here’s a basic layout Serge himself often recommended to young bodybuilders right before he died. This is what I started with and since adapted as I got more accustomed to it.
Serge’s Basic Routine
Day 1 – A
Day 2 – B
Day 3 – C
Day 4 – A
Day 5 – B
Day 6 – C
Day 7 – Rest
Workout A: Quadriceps and Chest
Exercise Sets Reps
A Squats 8 12
B Leg Press 8 12
C Leg Extension 6 12
Wait at least 15 minutes and move onto chest. If possible do them later in the day.
Exercise Sets Reps
A Barbell Bench Press* 8 12
B Flat Dumbbell Fly 6 12
C Incline Bench Press 8 12
D Incline Dumbbell Fly 6 12
* always performed extremely wide
Workout B: Back and Hamstrings
Exercise Sets Reps
A Chin-Up 6 12
B Behind the Neck Lat Pulldown 8 12
C Front Lat Pulldown 6 12
D Bent Over Row 6 12
Wait at least 15 minutes and move onto hamstrings. If possible do them later in the day.
Exercise Sets Reps
A Lying Leg Curl 8 12
B Standing Leg Curl 8 12
Workout C: Arms and Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps
A Behind the Neck Press 6 12
B Alternate Front Raise 6 12
C Upright Row 6 12
D Lateral Raise 6 12
Wait at least 15 minutes and move onto arms. If possible do them later in the day.
Exercise Sets Reps
A1 Cable Biceps Curl 8 12
A2 Triceps Pushdown 8 12
B1 Barbell Curl 8 12
B2 Triceps Dip 8 12
Perform both pairings above as a superset (no rest interval).
Serge Nubret Workout Template For Lifting
Serge trained his calves with workouts B and C using both seated and standing calf raises. One day he’d use light weights, the other day he’d go heavier.
Forearms and Traps
Serge never trained either directly – apparently his shoulder training hit his traps hard enough, and his forearms grew from using high volume and gripping the weights tightly.
Serge trained his abs once a day, every day. Immediately after waking, he would perform 2000 – yes Dr. McGill, two thousand – sit-ups. The sheer volume of the sit-ups is also the only form of “cardio” he ever performed.
Lifters wishing to follow his path should take note that Serge recommended starting with as many sit ups as you could perform in one set and then stopping for the day.
So if you can only do 30 reps, stop there instead of doing 5 sets of 30. Just get that one set in and improve every day. According to Serge, it took around a year for him to reach 2000 a day.
Applying His Techniques In Your Training
Serge rested between 30 seconds to one minute between upper body exercises and between one to two minutes on lower body exercises. Occasionally, he would start paring down rest periods by 15 seconds every two weeks to get more work in during a shorter amount of time.
Furthermore, if you can’t handle training six days a week, try the routine with 3 days on and one off. Many of my clients and friends still achieved great results this way. It looks like this:
Day 1 – A
Day 2 – B
Day 3 – C
Day 4 – Rest
Day 5 – A
Day 6 – B
Day 7 – C
Day 8 – Rest
Final Thoughts
Even if this type of training isn’t something that you’d do personally, consider this article a dedication to a true legend of the sport of bodybuilding.
Serge Nubret Workout Template For Lifting Legs
Although Mr. Nubret left us on April 19th, 2011, his legend and knowledge will live forever in those who were lucky enough to meet him or learn how he trained.
Source: http://www.t-nation.com/readArticle.do?id=5360878
Serge Nubret Pump Training Results
After finishing my run on HST, I moved into a 3 day per week, low volume powerlifting split and found myself, once again, beating myself into the ground – I’m talking 12-15 hours sleep everyday, appetite practically dead and my joints aching like murder.
Serge Nubret Workout Plan
Science-types might proclaim there’s no such thing as CNS fatigue or adrenal burnout, but there’s definitely a recovery-ability spectrum and training affects people in a variety of different ways.
For me, it seems to be the same story the last few months. When I stop the high intensity shit and move to bodybuilding style training using high volume, high frequency, lower intensities, I respond amazingly – I need only 5-8 hours sleep a day, my appetite takes off again and my body aches and pains magically disappear.
Enter…Pump Training
The last 4 weeks I used a version of Serge Nubret’s pump-training and although it’s one of the most painful and hard hypertrophy programs out there, I felt amazing and achieved incomparable pumps each sessions.
Famous for his incredibly lines and symmetry predating the visually similar Flex Wheeler, Nubret was also famous for his 5-6 hour long gym sessions and the incredible amount of volume he used per workout.
There’s a few versions of Nubret’s program floating out there, but I use the one featured on T-Nation written by Brad Kelly. Because I was feeling a bit beat and busier than normal, I trained one bodypart per day, on a weekly schedule. (The program calls for training bodyparts on a twice weekly frequency)
Training quads on this program is one of the more brutal experiences out there with its 22 sets per session and 30-60 second rest periods. If you’re doing this program for the first time, I would start off with training each bodypart on a once per week frequency and then after 2-3 weeks, train 2 bodyparts a day and each muscle group twice a week.
Who is Pump Training Suited for?
I would definitely put this routine in my top 3 programs for hypertrophy.
It’s a great routine for someone who’s tired and aching and coming off a high intensity phase yet still trying to eke out a little more hypertrophy.
I think it’s a perfect routine for someone travelling and might not always have access to a lot of weight, or for the person who trains at a busy gym and need the flexibility of being able to adapt their program on the go with whatever equipment is available.
You’re not going to be aiming for strength PR’s here (in face be prepared to be humbled by the weights you are going to use), although I still like to add a pound or two the bar each week so that some progressive overload is there. You also need to keep the rest periods as short and strict as possible. A “you-go-I-go” approach with a training partner is best because you have both accountability and encouragement present to push you when your mind and body is screaming at you to stop.
Serge was know for his lighter training poundages, but he could still max out the heavy weights when called for.
The aim is to swell those bodyparts with as much blood as possible, get the work in and then somehow, hobble home. You might want to think about walking or have someone else drive because your legs will be shaking like Elvis’ or your arms too full of blood to even manage to turn the steering wheel by the end of the session.
As I said, this is one of my favourite hypertrophy programs and an excellent routine to move into after a heavy power phase to rest and regenerate some of those achy joints and swell those bodyparts to new dimensions.
Post arm session pump- This routine feels “just like having sex with a woman and cumming”